Notice from The Chairman

Warm Greetings to all the Members of the Darjeeling Gymkhana Family,

Monsoons are finally over and we are all looking forward to the Fall /Puja season and pray for a good tourist footfall to bring much needed business to the locals of Darjeeling.

We are also in the midst of the festive season with Durga puja and Dashain around the corner followed by Diwali.

I take this opportunity to write to wish each and every one of you and your families a Very Happy Dashain and Happy Dussehra. Enjoy every moment with your loved ones during these auspicious occasions.

Due to unforeseen circumstances and the process of compiling all the required documents for the AGM we were not able to have the AGM as planned within the stipulated date. However, we had asked for an extension of date for the AGM through the proper channel, which has been approved by the Company Law Board, Kolkata, Govt of India. The order dated. 30/09/2022 issued by Registrar of Companies, Kolkata is attached for your kind reference.

On behalf of the committee, I would like to thank you for electing us to serve you and the club for the past two years. It has been a challenging task, but also very productive and all our focus for the improvement of our esteemed club has paid dividends and hope you all are happy with the results.

Lastly, my committee members and I would like to express our sincere apologies for the delay in holding our Annual General Meeting which is now scheduled for the 4th November 2022.

You will all be receiving the club annual report along with the Agenda for the AGM within the next week.

Thank you for your support, understanding and patience.


Jamling Tenzing